Take advantage of routine discounted prices in all our most popular services that we offer. You can save within the categories of our major procedures like: MODERN LIPOSUCTION, BOTOX, MORPHEUS 8, LIP FILLERS, IPL PHOTO FACIALS, LASER HAIR REMOVAL, SCULPTRA FILLERS, FAT TRANSFERS, AND MORE!
These memberships are by far the most beneficial and cost effective options you will find in the industry. At the end of the day, we want you to know you can get amazing results from experienced and trusted staff consistently. Take a look at the details. You will find that the savings are unbelievable when you become a Melt Member. In addition, you can take advantage of more services that you may not have been able to do prior to becoming a Melt Member.
More services =More results!
Let's get you to your body and skin goals this year!
You have an option to do month to month with no contract or choose a 1 year contract and save even more.
Contact us today to sign up!
Melt Aesthetics and Liposuction
10210 N 92nd St # 103, Scottsdale, AZ 85258